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Summer Games Done Quick 2023 Ends In Success!

Another marathon completed means another round of charity has been raised by the folks and fans at Games Done Quick (GDQ). This time it was their annual Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) and for SGDQ 2023, they wrapped up its weeklong speedrunning marathon on Sunday with the final value raised reaching $2.2 million for the honorable Doctors Without Borders charity.

Highlights included a blindfolded run of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, a launch day tournament for Street Fighter 6, and a tutorial run of how to speedrun Bastion.

With the close of this event, the total value raised by GDQ, since their first event in 2010, to more than $46.2 million for charities worldwide. If you missed the event this year, or perhaps a specific speedrunner and/or game you wanted to watch, you can find all the speed runs on their official YouTube.

Next up is the all-women speedrunning showcase Flame Fatales which is set to be held online from August 13-20, 2023. Much like other GDQ events, this event will be available to watch live on the GDQ Twitch.