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Teaser For Upcoming EVERCADE VS Announcement Leaves Fans Curious

The teaser image above was released without explanation.  Is it a new console?  Is it an update to allow for multiplayer?  Who knows?

What could the letters “VS” represent?  The original Atari console was dubbed the “VCS,” which stood for “Video Computer System.”  Does the “VS” stand for “Versus” or perhaps “Video System?”

I purchased my Evercade console last year after seeing it advertised on YouTube.  Some people sing its praises, while others are incredibly critical of the device.  I am somewhere in the middle.  In fact, I said as much here

What is the Evercade?  The Evercade console was released by Blaze Entertainment in May of 2020.  It is a handheld console with a mini-HDMI to output the display and supports proprietary cartridges.  Each cartridge contains a collection of games from a given publisher.  Personally, my favorite cartridge is the Namco Collection 2.  In fact, if you are a collector, this one cartridge can completely justify the cost of the console.  As an added bonus, the games are fun too!

The Evercade has a Super Nintendo-style controller configuration, although the buttons are labeled differently.  My primary criticism has always been that the controls are not mappable across the board.  To date, the only games that typically have mappable controllers are titles that originated on the Sega Genesis.  Of the games released, the titles are primarily NES, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, and Super Nintendo, although there are outliers.  Xeno Crisis, which is available on all of the modern consoles, was released on this console with Tanglewood. More recently two cartridges were released focusing on the Atari Lynx.  Personally, I would like to see arcade games and more hard-to-find games on appropriately priced collections. 

As for their current announcement, the limited amount of information provided with this notification leaves more questions than answers.  I guess we will have to wait until April 23, 2021, to find out.