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Tech Time: Strategies For Success - Securing Operational Technology From Cyberattacks

Success strategies are plans that help you achieve your goals. They can include setting a course of action, creating positive study habits, and managing time.

Cyberattacks that steal data have dominated the news, but attacks on operational technology environments are becoming more common. This is because OT devices are connected to IT networks.

Implement a zero-trust framework.

Zero trust is a security model that only allows authorized users, devices, and applications to access critical information systems, making it more difficult for cyberattacks to occur.

Implementing a Zero Trust framework requires an accurate inventory of all the systems in your organization's infrastructure. It includes IT systems, remote workers, and even non-IT systems like IoT devices and building security systems.

It also requires robust authentication methods, network segmentation to prevent lateral movement, Layer 7 threat prevention, and simplifying granular, least privilege per-request access policies for all accounts, including overly-permissioned service accounts that are common targets of attacks.

Replace the air gap.

The security of operational technology (OT) devices depends on the vigilance of employees, physical access controls, and strong isolation from outside data connections. However, air gaps are no longer viable given that attackers can now use sophisticated wireless "sniffing" tools to infiltrate isolated systems and glean valuable information, such as the level of specific chemicals in water, from a system that is otherwise physically separate from the rest of the network.

As IT and OT networks converge, organizations must replace their air gap with strategies to detect threats and block them without impacting availability or performance. Investing in network segmentation and a firewall with knowledge of OT protocols is essential.

Implement network segmentation

Network segmentation is one of the most effective security strategies for securing operational technology from cyberattacks. Separating different networks can protect against threats and ensure compliance with security policies.

Segmenting can be done at the infrastructure level (e.g., firewalls) or the workload level (e.g., granular micro-segmentation). By implementing a micro-segmentation model, access control policies are enforced between assets within a segment.

Once implemented, it's essential to audit the segmentation to ensure it works correctly regularly. Cybersecurity threats constantly change, and keeping up with them is essential.

Enforce access control

Cyberattacks on OT environments pose a significant risk for industrial control systems, as they can cause physical damage and disrupt production processes. To minimize these risks, security professionals must implement comprehensive OT protection strategies.

One of the most important steps is to enforce access control. It includes requiring multi-factor authentication and restricting access to network resources. Implementing a system that can detect and automatically respond to threats is also crucial.

Enforcing access control can reduce the likelihood of a cyberattack by decreasing the attack surface. It's also important to regularly review and update access privileges. It includes revoking access for employees who have left or transferred departments.

Install a firewall

Firewalls help prevent malware and other threats. They can block traffic from sites linked to known malicious programs, preventing them from entering your network in the first place.

Historically, IT and operational technology environments have operated in distinct networks. But as OT systems become increasingly connected to IT infrastructure, they need access to the Internet to stay updated and meet production high availability requirements.

This creates a new attack surface for hackers. To protect converged IT/OT systems, organizations should consider leveraging vulnerability assessment tools and penetration testing. These can identify system vulnerabilities and prioritize mitigations. They can also help monitor suspicious activity, such as unauthorized logins or hardware failures.

Enforce strong passwords

One overlooked aspect of securing OT systems is ensuring users have strong passwords. Insecure passwords allow hackers to breach sensitive information and steal accounts.

Often, a bad actor needs access to a single user's account to infiltrate an entire system. Hackers rely on stolen credentials to infiltrate networks and exploit users.

Password complexity requirements are an excellent way to combat these attacks. By requiring passwords to have minimum lengths and a variety of characters and symbols, you can prevent hackers from using dictionaries to crack passwords.

Install anti-malware software

Malware is malicious software that aims to damage your computer or steal information. It can be spread through email, suspicious websites, USB drivers, and pirated software.

Unlike IT systems, operational technology systems often have high availability requirements, making it challenging to shut them down for updates and malware remediation. Because of this, they must be protected with OT cybersecurity strategies that can detect and block attacks without impacting availability.

One of the best ways to protect your OT environment is by implementing an anti-malware solution. Using a solution that's purpose-built for OT environments is essential, as it will be more likely to recognize OT protocols and prevent false positive errors.

Install a VPN

Securing the hardware and software systems used in power plants, water treatment facilities, transportation systems, and other critical infrastructure requires complete visibility and vulnerability assessment. It also calls for a holistic strategic and incident response plan.

Using VPNs to enable remote workers to access OT/IoT systems can help protect these assets from cyberattacks. But a VPN alone cannot block intruders, protect endpoints, stop malware, segment the network, or prevent downtime.

In addition, a VPN can cause latency problems for some applications. For these reasons, it is essential to install a per-app VPN solution. Salas O'Brien can help you design a system that allows for this while providing robust protection.

Install a backup system.

Backing up OT systems is crucial to protect against cyberattacks that may cause damage to equipment and halt OT processes. Quick access to backup files allows for prompt resumption of operations.

Ensure that your backup data is maintained offline and not connected to any networks that could enable ransomware to spread. In addition, regular test backups should be conducted to prevent any gaps in your defenses.

Implementing these strategies will help keep your industrial systems safe from a cyberattack.