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Techland Delivers A Surprising Series Continuation Trailer With DYING LIGHT 2 At E3

After seeing what Techland announced during E3 2018, it's easy to see that they are the most dedicated developers for their own game series. After providing tons of free DLC material for Dying Light, they have announced the next chapter: Dying Light 2.

With a new story and a world that is broken still, this is looking to be a perfect continuation of the series. Starting out with an intriguing story trailer, we get to see some of what to expect when it comes to both gameplay and dialogue. Check it out:

That was only the start though. We can already see that there is even more to the parkour than there was in the first game, but they added another fact. This time, the choices that you make in Dying Light 2 will have a noticable consequence upon the world around you. Here's the gameplay trailer featuring these differences:

I have to say that this is a major step up on the series and shows just how dedicated Techland is to bring the best content to the consistent Dying Light fan base. Bringing more content for the first game some developing the second is exactly what fans want to see being done for their favorite titles.

Which of the two trailers has you looking forward to Dying Light 2?