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Telltale Games Laid Off The Last of Its Employees

A few weeks ago, Telltale Games shocked the video game industry when it unexpectedly announced its closure and laid off the majority of its staff, consisting of 250 employees. Only a skeleton crew made of 25 or so people were left wrapping up projects and obligations to its partners.

Now, the studio revealed that the remaining employees have now been laid off yesterday, even before their work was finished. The news came from Retchel Necronoelicon, one of the employees who remained after the initial wave of employees who were let go. The studio was then served with a class action lawsuit from former employees citing wrongful termination. Although Telltale did not reveal the reason for laying off its skeleton crew, it is assumed that the studio is trying to cut overhead costs in preparation for liabilities resulting from the lawsuits.

This marks the official closure of Telltale studios, as far as we consumers are concerned. Of course, given the lawsuits served, both Telltale and its former employees are still facing a long road ahead.