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THE BLACKOUT CLUB Is Finally Getting Its Official Full Launch

The strangest, unique, and fun multiplayer game is about to get its official full release. Question is planning to launch The Blackout Club on July 30th for the PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It has been on Early Access for a little over six months and they have been improving the game since thanks to the collective feedback from many players, including myself.

If you haven’t heard of The Blackout Club yet, it is a game mixing stealth gameplay with a cooperative environment where players are limited in their tools of survival. Since your friend has gone missing, it is up to you to find out what’s amiss in the town of Redacre and the adults aren't listening. The main antagonist is the boogeyman known as Angel, who is all-seeing as the adults report the sins of the youth trying to unveil the cultist activities happening in the town. Those committing the most faults are hunted by this entity, which is only visible when you close your eyes.

If you want to check the game out prior to its official release, the Early Access is available anytime on Steam. Those on console will have to wait for the official release, however. What I can’t wait to check out is what the single-player will have to hold. The small tutorial where you played solo was an intense segment of the game and that was just so I had an understanding of how to play. The full length is sure to be exciting, to say the least.