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The Main Campaign of FAR CRY 5 is Playable Offline, Microtransactions Are Cosmetic Only

Far Cry 5's developer Ubisoft, confirmed via GameSpot that the main single-player campaign of the game would be playable offline, which is good news for players who are interested in playing alone. However, players will have to be online if they want to try out the game's co-op and multiplayer modes. 

Furthermore, microtransactions will also be present in the open-world game. However, they will be limited to just cosmetic items only, and will not affect gameplay in any way. Also, these cosmetic items will all be available in the single-player, co-op, and multiplayer modes of the game. 

"We've set up the game up to be generous," Ubisoft's Dan Hay told GameSpot. "We've set the game up so...nothing is locked [away]. You can go out and explore, and the game will reward you for your exploration." 

Lastly, these microtransactions will be similar to the Time Saver packs that were previously offered by Ubisoft. Players can unlock these items by going through the game, but, if you're not really up for discovering these items yourself, you'll have the option to purchase these cosmetic items.

 Far Cry 5 is slated for release on March 27, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the PC.