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The Nintendo Switch Helped A Reddit User Detect An Early Tumor

The Nintendo Switch, as it is first and foremost a gaming device, is an extremely unlikely tool to help diagnose a medical condition. However, a few days ago, Reddit user ChrisChalms shared his unique story on the Nintendo Switch subreddit. Chris posted how the Nintendo Switch helped him detect an early tumor. 

During the initial release of the Switch last March, Chris was one of those players who purchased the system on its first week. He even bought a copy of Breath of the Wild and planned to get Mario Kart. A few months later, Chris shared that he experienced a shooting pain on his right palm whenever the controller vibrated. He initially dismissed the pain, however he also stopped playing with the Switch for a while. 

A few months later, Chris forgot all about the pain until a small bruise developed on his right palm, where the pain originated. He attempted to play with his Switch again, but the pain overwhelmed him this time, and he decided to schedule a doctor’s appointment. The doctors confirmed that there is something there, however they don’t exactly know what it is. Six months later, a lump grew on his palm, which makes anything he does with his hand painful. 

Chris is scheduled to undergo surgery soon and the doctors said that the tumor in his hand is more likely to be benign than cancerous. In the end, Chris was thankful for the Switch’s rumble feature which helped him detect the tumor early. He said on his post that: 

“So, thanks to the Switch’s HD rumble I managed to spot a tumor months earlier than I would have otherwise!” Furthermore, he also asked, “Anyone know any good switch games that can be played with one hand that I can play recovering?” 

What games can you suggest to Chris while his hand recovers? Share your suggestions in the comments below.