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THE WONDERFUL 101: REMASTERED Blasts Off On Kickstarter

UPDATE: The first three stretch goals have been reached, and the campaign has almost $700,000 in funding. That means that the game will also be ported to the PlayStation 4. Two new stretch goals have been revealed, with new content for the game being included at the $1 million and $1.5 million levels of support. GameTyrant will continue to monitor the success of the Kickstarter campaign for The Wonderful 101: Remastered.

PlatinumGames has launched a Kickstarter campaign for The Wonderful 101: Remastered. This will be the first attempt by the developer to self-publish a game, and it’s off to an insanely successful start.

At the time of writing, the campaign has already rocketed past the initial funding goal of $50,000 and is well over the $250,000 stretch goal. That means that The Wonderful 101: Remastered will be ported to both the Nintendo Switch and Steam upon the completion of the Kickstarter campaign.

At its current pace, the $500,000 stretch goal to port the game to the PlayStation 4 is highly likely.

If you’re unfamiliar with the game, The Wonderful 101 is an action-adventure game developed by PlatinumGames Inc. and directed by Hideki Kamiya. It was originally released on the Nintendo Wii U, and fans have been asking for the game to be ported to modern consoles for a long time. Their wishes have been fulfilled.

The Wonderful 101: Remastered also plans additional content for the game as more stretch goals are announced. Backers can expect to receive Kickstarter-exclusive rewards, like a special art cover for physical copies of the game and any DLC unlocked during the campaign.

It wouldn’t be surprising if the game surpassed the $500,000 stretch goal today, so stay tuned for updates to the Kickstarter campaign, the stretch goals, and other exclusives that will be available for backers of The Wonderful 101: Remastered.