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There's Now a Fantastic New UNO Card Design For Color Blind Players

One of the things many of us take for granted is our good sight and how it helps us enjoy things that others do not get to. For instance, did you know that most color blind people cannot see red and greens? This creates a major problem when playing games like Uno. Red and green are two of the most common colors used.

Well, after 46 years Mattel have finally decided to change the UNO card design to accommodate color blind players. As you can see below, it isn't a major change. They are using an universally accepted ColorADD system that places a small icon next to the numbers on the cards. Consider this the brail for colours.

This is such an innovative decision and I wish more cards and boardgames could be so considerate. I'm very curious to see what the sales will be like and what the experience will be for these players. This version was released today, and you can buy it from the Mattel shop directly. I'm not sure how long it will be before this is in worldwide distribution. Also, I wonder how long before current console and PC Uno games are either updated or replaced with this new color update.

If you know someone that is color blind, share this exciting news with them and let us know if someone actually gets to play it. I would love some firsthand feedback.


Source: Kotaku; Fast Co.Design