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This Is What OVERWATCH Could Look Like As A Fighting Game

For a few years now, Overwatch has become a household name in the arena of competitive gaming. Now, the guys at TGN have wondered how the characters of Overwatch will do when placed in a fighting game environment. 

The video showcased how Overwatch would look like as a fighting game. The concept was shown via a YouTube video (posted above), that showed Overwatch characters battling each other. Reinhardt is pitted against Zarya, and Doomfist faced Genji. The concept video showed that all four characters were able to retain their abilities from Overwatch, which makes them effective in the fighting arena. 

The video was made by TGN and said that it took them “a lot of time to make.” The team was able to make a realistic concept video by editing in-game scenes from Overwatch and included traditional fighting game visuals such as health bars, character portraits, a timer, stages, and more. Overall TGN’s  superb editing made an effective illusion of a fighting game. Personally, watching this concept video makes me want to have an Overwatch fighting game too. TGN made a good job of bringing an authentic fighting game feel on their video. 

Although Overwatch is still first and foremost, a first-person shooter, it's definitely intriguing to see the characters in the game in a completely different game style. As of now, Blizzard has not reacted to the concept video. Hopefully, the developer will be inspired by TGN’s creation, and introduce a fighting mode in Overwatch, or probably a stand-alone spin-off game. 

Would you like to see an Overwatch fighting game spin-off? Or should the game stick to the first person shooter genre? If this becomes an actual game, which Overwatch heroes would you like to see battle it out? Share your thoughts in the comments below.