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This New Mobile Gaming Controller Turns Your Phone Into A Full-Blown Console!

It is easy to argue that the largest growing field in the game industry has become the mobile field. With mobile games ranging from simple game knock offs, official titles like Pac-Man, online multiplayer’s such as Fortnite, and so much more, using the controls on the screen just might not cut it anymore. It’s time the industry does more than acknowledge mobile devices as a thriving platform for new and old games to be posted on and do more to allow players to play their games in a comfortable set up.

Rotor Riot is the latest generation of controllers is an immediate answer to this problem! Not only does this controller have every button a standard console controller has, including L3/R3, but it has quite the range of features. Not only can you use this controller for any mobile game that is controller-compatible, but also on console games using PlayStation 4 Remote Play and OneCast and PC games using Steam Link! It’s also good for those who are streaming apps on an iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Along with all the compatibility, Rotor Riot’s wired controller draws less energy than a pair of earphones and now with its pass-through charging port, users can charge their device while playing! The only down side is that currently the controller is an Apple-product exclusive, but they are planning on bringing an Android version out soon as well. For those of you with an Apple product, you can get your own Rotor Riot controller for $49.95 on Apple’s website right now.

What do you think about this official console-style controller for mobile gaming?