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THQ Nordic Shares Good News

The CEO of THQ Nordic released some exciting news in an announcement to investors:

A new Saints Row game is in development under the supervision of Volition, a part of the Deep Silver studios. The last full entry in the series was way back in 2013, so fans of the crazy franchise will be pleased to know that another game is on the horizon.

Dead Island 2, which has struggled in development over the years, has been handed over to Dambuster Studios, who lead the effort the bring the sequel to life. The original game released back in September of 2011, so it's been quite a while since the zombie-slaying series has graced the TV screens of gamers worldwide. We'll see if the third time's the charm.

And, most unexpectedly, THQ Nordic also announced that one of the creators of TimeSplitters, Steve Ellis, has joined their team in order to guide the future of the franchise. The company purchased the intellectual rights to the series last year, but there hasn't been mention of the game franchise until now. It's great news for fans of the TimeSplitters games. The last title released on the PS2, Xbox and the GameCube, but it has a loyal following. The unique multiplayer experience was much beloved.

Here's to hoping that these games will release as soon as possible!