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Three Switch Games Are Getting New Bundles With Strategy Guides

Nintendo recently revealed three new game bundles for the titles, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, and Super Mario Odyssey. Each of the new bundles will be priced at $60 and will be released on September 28, 2018. 

The best part about these bundles is that they are marketed as “starter pack” for each of these games, as they will include a colored strategy guide to help newbies who are novices in these games. The guidebook will feature tips on how to best approach each game and will include a detailed map of all collectible items and in-game secrets. 

Of course, the presence of the internet has made physical guidebooks into novelty items rather than an actual product to help players uncover secrets in a game. However, these new bundles from Nintendo bring back a sense of nostalgia, especially for players who grew up in the pre-internet world where guidebooks are essential companions. 

What do you think of these new bundles for Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, and Super Mario Odyssey? Which guidebook did you use the most growing up? Share your experiences in the comments down below.