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Top 5 Games To Play If You're A Trans Woman

If you ask me, representation is a really important thing. As a Trans woman, representation is finally becoming a bigger thing in our media. From actresses, films, shows, and more, television and film is coming a long way for us where we’re seen and heard.

But a medium that’s always had a less linear and more free-spirited face to it has been video games. Since the inception of RPGs, players have been able to be themselves, no questions asked and have proven to be quite pivotal for many of us in our transitions.

Today, we’re going to talk about the 5 games that, as a Trans woman, I’ve loved and feel like have really helped me not only since transitioning, but since I was but a wee egg. When I came out, it was difficult to find games online that showed the Trans experience for me, so I wanted to create a nice little list for eggs, as well as those who have already transitioned to enjoy.

So, let’s not waste any time and jut get into the list!


Starting off our list is one of the two games that proved to be very important for me in my journey. The first is a game called Celeste which deals with a lot of the emotions that many of us deal with at the beginning of our transitions. Its story is beautiful, and features many supportive characters that allow Celeste to become her full self. It’s an adorable-looking platformer whose story has to be experienced.

If Found…

The other game that was, for me, a big deal in my transition was If Found…. This isn’t your colorful happy-go-lucky tale and does deal a lot with the struggle of feeling alone and isolated as a Trans woman in an interactive graphic novel design. Dealing with an unsupportive family unit and potential partners that don’t reciprecate your feelings, this is definetly one to not go into blindly, as it can be quie triggering. But if you’re careful, this is a story that’s so worth seeing through.

Saints Row: The Third

In my teen years, the Saints Row series as a whole was a great way for me to explore my gender in a way that I really couldn’t articulate at that time. But I feel like the best of the series is The Third. This has a lot of customization options from top to bottom and the story isn’t all too serious. This is a really fun game where you can create a cool character and just cause some crime. This is most definitely the most casual title on the list.

Fallout: New Vegas

It’s no secret that Fallout New Vegas, for a lot of us, played a big role in our journey as eggs. For me, what I really liked about this game is that you play as a voiceless character, allowing for you to put yourself in the character’s shoes. Plus, you also get to create the character’s look from the ground up and act however you want in this wasteland.

It’s still such a fun game in its own right, but any Fallout game does a great job of allowing freedom to be who you want. Fallout 4 was another favorite of mine specifically for the house building and decorating mechanics.

Baldur’s Gate 3

Though Baldur’s Gate 3 demands a lot of time from its player-base, it’s for good reason. This world was made for players to be themselves in the truest sense of the world and allows for Trans woman to be their most badass selves. With awesome storylines, battles, and immense exploration, Baldur’s Gate 3 is the exact game I wish that I had when I was younger. There’s romance options and the adventure aspect is irreplaceable.

Well, those are them! While there are other great games for us out there, these are my favorite. I really hope you liked this concise list and that it may have helped you find a game that resonates with you too.