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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter is a seriously underappreciated gem in the N64 library. Tight controls, great graphics and solid performance (for the time) and fun combat along with giant levels to explore were truly a winner. Unfortunately for Turok, another game by the name of GoldenEye 007 would launch just a few short months after it and steal the limelight for the entire generation. In 2015 Nightdive Studios released a remastered version of the game on Steam with an Xbox One version following in 2018.

Now it seems that Turok will once again hunt on a Nintendo platform as Turok: Dinosaur Hunter will release on the Nintendo Switch on March 18! No confirmation has been given on whether or not Turok 2 will also be ported to Switch but the chances seem high as long as the first entry sells well. I for one am excited about the possibility of playing the game on the go as Turok is by and far one of my favorite shooters from the N64. I just hope that someday we might finally see Turok 3 get the remaster treatment. Come on Nightdive Studios, make it happen! Check out some screenshots from the remaster below!

Are you excited about the possibility of playing Turok on the go? Share your thoughts below!

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