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Unique Arena Shooter Game VOID SLAYER Announced

As one of the games that are meant to be featured during the first Madnight Showcase, this reveal trailer acts as a sneak peek into the games being featured. Developed by a small portion of the Madmind Studio team, now known as the Madmind Crew, this game is going to be a full version of a game demo they revealed a playtest for during Epicjam 2021. So, for those that haven’t seen it yet and are into FPS arena games, check out the reveal of Void Slayer!

This game has a typical goal with a unique mechanic that directly impacts the ability of the player. While trying to survive the onslaught of enemies from all sides, players will be fighting in an arena that will be interconnected with their health. That means that the remaining health of the player will alter the size of the arena itself!

More information, including a release date, is planned to be announced during Madnight 2021. However, you can wishlist Void Slayer on Steam now and check out the short teaser reveal trailer above. It is definitely an interesting concept, so I look forward to seeing more about the game soon.