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Upcoming DIABLO II: RESURRECTED Patch 2.4 Will Bring Massive Changes

Ladder Etc Coming Soon

This year has been massive for the Diablo franchise with a slew of Diablo: Immortal related goodness through alphas and beta but most of all, a fantastic remaster in Diablo II: Resurrected. For the patient fans out there, myself included, we are about to be showered with a generous portion of goodness through the upcoming 2.4 patch. While ladders definitely will be the highlight of this release, there is other big news such as class balance changes, new runewords, and even mercenary improvements.

While ladders were expected, new class tweaks, balances, and possibilities through skill tweaking will be the first major changes the game has seen in decades. While this may frighten some purists, the devs have reassured us that no nerfs are coming to any class, just improvements for skills and builds that have not been viable in the past.

For even more details and info, check out the full, detailed blog post and don’t miss the recap of the dev stream update over on Twitch for more in-depth info and previews. I for one, cannot wait for this patch to drop!