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Walmart May Be Jumping On The Game Streaming Band-Wagon

According to a new report from USGamer, mega corporation Walmart might be looking to enter the game streaming scene. Walmart is no stranger to trying to become more relevant in different aspects of gaming as it has adopted many things from different businesses over the years including pre-orders and used game sales. Walmart has also been pushing other avenues of digital distribution over the years with services like VUDU so a leap to game streaming really isn’t to unfeasible. During this weeks GDC event Walmart has been said to be in talks with different developers over this very service. Google’s new streaming service Stadia was also announced at this weeks GDC.

Streaming seems to be the trending topic right now in the world of gaming and it makes sense to me that Walmart wants to get in on the ground floor. Whether or not all these streaming services ever amount to anything will be a fascinating discussion in a years time when more info has come to light and the tech is in users hands. As with all rumors take this with a grain of salt until confirmation can be given.

Would you be interested in a Walmart ran streaming service for games? Lets us know below!