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Warhammer 40k Universe Has Announced Another Game!

The game collection that takes place within the Warhammer 40k universe is constantly growing as new games are announced. Recently, we got both Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground and Necromunda: Hired Gun, but now we are looking at a fast-paced, turn-based RPG called Warhammer 40k: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters. This title is set to release in 2022 by publisher Frontier Foundry and is being developed by Complex Games.

Prepare to lead humanity’s greatest warriors, the Grey Knights, against the corrupting forces of Chaos! Armored in faith and shielded by devotion, the Grey Knights’ very existence is rooted in mystery: the possession of any unsanctioned knowledge about their secretive brotherhood is punishable by death. Experience the ruthless, merciless combat of the 41st millennium, following the journey of these elite warriors.

While we didn’t get much from the teaser trailer, we will get a full cinematic trailer in August that will hopefully tell us more. Until then, get ready to add this to your Steam wishlist. And while you are there, check out the ongoing Warhammer Skulls sale to pick up titles for the Warhammer 40k universe you haven’t played through yet.