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Wastelanders Update Massively Improves FALLOUT 76

Changing Gears

To say the reception was mixed when Fallout 76 first launched in November 2018 would be one of modern gaming’s biggest understatements. While I found it somewhat enjoyable, I was constantly confused about WHY does this have to be an online game? It could have easily been just the new single player campaign in the series with an option for co-op play. With Wastelanders, that question is still not answered or solved but the game itself feels like how it should have at launch.

Now available on Steam, the game is much more polished than ever before and adds a ton of content, missions, and loot which at its base, is a very solid experience. The biggest compliment I could give is the atmosphere of West Virginia is absolutely spot on with a mix of creepy, campy, and just plain.. immersive. This is modern Fallout at its best but also still, I question why not release a single player/offline version? Either way, you can enjoy open worlds, private worlds (for a cost) and Battle Royale.

Regardless, if you like Fallout, you should definitely check out the game now. Wastelanders is a massive improvement to the game and right, wrong, or indifferent, it’s the game it should have been well over a year ago. It’s immersive, it’s fun, and it’s chock full of quality content and loot. While I believe this will/should eventually go free to play with cosmetic paid upgrades, $39.99 is more than a fair price for what’s included.