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Watch: 15 Minutes Of METAL GEAR SURVIVE

Fresh from the Tokyo Game Show, we have some footage (via IGN) of Metal Gear Survive. From the looks of the gameplay, it's mission based zombie mode if it were set in the Metal Gear Solid universe. The infected soldiers are much slower than the typical soldier you'd find in MGSV, but when they group up in numbers they're almost unstoppable.

Players will use a mixture of stealth, weapons, and base management to complete their objectives. One feature that looked interesting to me was the ability to build traps and fences to keep out the infected while you work on your objective. The footage you will see is multiplayer based with other players, but supposedly there will be an option for single-player as well.

Overall it looked interesting, but not something I could see myself paying for the full experience just yet. I will say it's much better than what I expect considering this game has nothing to do with Hideo Kojima.

No release date on this one yet but we'll keep you posted.