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WOLFENSTEIN: THE BOARD GAME Brings B.J. Blazkowicz To The Table

The video game series is becoming a tabletop juggernaut and the legendary B.J. Blazkowicz will live on in Wolfenstein: The Board Game.

The cooperative adventure will embed players as members of the Kreisau Circle with one objective—rid the world of the Fuhrer and end the Nazi regime. The party can choose between any of ten missions or a full campaign that will implement gameplay mechanics from dungeon crawlers. Side missions and random events will supplement the story as players infiltrate and disrupt the Nazi war machine. B.J. Blazkowicz must attack Castle once again, but he’s got help and the Nazis don’t stand a chance.

Archon Studio started on the Kickstarter platform, so the developer understands what it takes to deliver an engaging game with detailed and exciting miniatures. There will be over 50 miniatures in the base game alone, but stretch goals and other add-ons will expand that number.

Check out the gallery below for a detailed look at the art style and miniatures of the game.

Wolfenstein: The Board Game looks like a detailed dive back into one of the best action game series in history, and with Archon Studio at the helm, it will also feature incredibly detailed design and the kind of polish you want in a tabletop dungeon crawler.

To get an in-depth look at the upcoming board game and Kickstarter campaign, you can visit the website here.

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Are you ready to command B.J. Blazkowicz once more?