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World of Warcraft Soars in Now Live Shadowlands Pre-Expansion Patch

A New Dawn

There are few other games that have stood the test of time like World of Warcraft. While it’s definitely been through plenty of exquisite highs and discouraging lows, overall, it’s still the MMORPG on the market and personally, one of my favorite games of all time. With Shadowlands still being polished for launch, Blizzard has released the pre-expansion patch for the masses and boy oh boy is it delicious. Whether you’re a hardcore veteran or a complete newcomer to the game, there is something for everyone to like in this stellar step in the right direction.

Pick your poison. New experiences or the old school goodness you know and love.

First and most noticeable are the new starting options and the much needed level squish. Starting from scratch on a new character or leveling alts has always been a chore that completely taxes not only my patience but my desire to play the game. With a brand new starting area (Which is not only gorgeous but a blast to play), Exile’s Reach is the perfect intro to the magic of WoW. If you’re not keen on playing the new area and have an existing high level character, you can start out in your original area. I would highly recommend Exile’s Reach for new or players that are returning after a long break. Also, the new customization and character creation areas are just fantastic so you can finally mold the toon of your dreams.

Exile’s Reach is not only a blast to play, it’s a stunningly gorgeous to look at as well.

Finally, leveling is fun again. Regardless of whether you are questing, PVP battling, farming mats, pet battling or just exploring, you are generally gaining XP. Also, with the squish to level 60, it’s refreshing to get a reward at every level ding. Whether it’s a new skill to blast baddies with, a new dungeon to run or a new PVP area to conquer, there’s always something to do and see. Also, through the Chromie NPC, after your hit level 10, you can level through any previous expansion to level 50 - w00t! In the end, that’s what deserves the most praise and contributes to the game tenacity and longevity: THERE’S ALWAYS SOMETHING FUN TO DO! Props to Blizzard for this much needed change. Now Blizzard, if you can make 3, 5, and 10 man raids with reduced gear level so we can ALL enjoy raid content and storylines without having to use LFR, I’d love you forever :)

For example, I just barely got into building my Garrison clear back from the Warlords of Draenor expansion and regardless of some negative opinions I’ve read, I’m having a blast. Along with collecting pets, mounts, and toys that I’ve missed in the past, it’s an absolute collector’s dream.

The future’s so bright, we gotta wear shades.

Future So Bright

There are a ton of massive changes, mostly for the better, in the pre-patch and coming events and ultimately, the Shadowlands expansion, that the future looks extremely bright for WoW. TL;DR Version: Leveling is fun again, there are a ton of existing and fresh, new things to do in game, Shadowlands is shaping up to be a fantastic expansion and you can finally customize awesome looking characters with the totally revamped system. There is no better time than now to jump back into the game!

You can check out all pre-patch changes compiled here and also check out the survival guide video below.