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Xbox One VR Rumors Surface After E3 Listing

A listing on the E3 website has many wondering if Microsoft has updates in store regarding VR on the Xbox One. Neogaf user Obliterator provided links to three different gaming companies, all of whom listed products that would be available for "Virtual Reality>Xbox One". They are...

Rebellion- Noted for the Sniper Elite series, Aliens vs Predator as well as the VR game Battlezone. Battlezone was demoed recently for Playstation VR...

Maximum Games: They have a slew of games they've released, but most notable for this circumstance is the recently announced VR game Loading Human...

Readily- Game art production company and finally 3D Rudder who developed a walking controller for VR games.

Microsoft has said nothing on the announcement of VR save the demo of Hololens at last year's E3. Maybe we'll get an update on that, or more than likely something entirely new! We'll be there to let you know!