Bioware Claims Anthem Is Not Delayed!

In a recent rumor on Reddit, by user RuthenicCookie, it was stated the highly anticipated shared world shooter Anthem would see another delay from its February 2019 release date. Citing the game as “a mess” on current gen consoles. It looks like this rumor however can be laid to rest as Executive Producer for Anthem, Mark Darrah, has taken to twitter to clarify the situation. “Hey all, Our release date is February 22, 2019. Same as always”.

This confirmation is wonderful news for all the fans that have been eagerly awaiting the game! Anthem was originally meant to ship in 2018 but was later delayed to the now reaffirmed release date. Reasons for this delay given by EA were they wished to release the game in a less crowded time frame. Bioware has done numerous live streams showcasing the game over the course of development and it definitely looks great. But, just to play devils advocate for a moment, if the game does need more time to be properly finished I hope they do the right thing and delay the release.