Bloody Awesome: DIABLO IMMORTAL Blood Knight Class Slays

Anyone looking for some fresh content for Immortal or just in need of some lighter demon-slaying action while you wait for Diablo IV Season 1, the Blood Knight class for Diablo Immortal launched today and it is an absolute blast to play. It looks, sounds, and feels awesome in every sense, and it’s just an example of incredible class and character design by the Blizzard teams. The intro video while the game updates is dripping, literally, with gory detail.

Whether it’s pulling in baddies with your tendrils and them slicing them to bits or just smacking them with a wall of blood, the action is tight and satisfying. This is the perfect excuse to return to Immortal or try it for the first time. Since the new class is fully integrating and voice acted for the entire story, it doesn’t hurt to give it a shot.

Now, can we just get this class included in the next update for Diablo IV, please?

The Blood Knight class is live NOW so go check it out ASAP on Android, iOS, and PC. Also, if you are playing on PC, be sure to check out the new PC-centric features such as full-screen 4k and windowed options.