BOUNTY BATTLE Released, So Let The Leading Indie Game Character Fights Begin!

One of the games that many fighting and indie game fans have been looking forward to is finally here! Bounty Battle, the indie gamer’s answer for a Super Smash Bros style game for popular games outside the AAA field, has officially launched on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with pre-orders available for those looking to get it on the Nintendo Switch.

To celebrate their games launch, developers Dark Screen Games and publisher Merge Games have released an animated trailer to show off some of the characters. This 1-4 player beat-’em-up with characters from all over the indie game scene is ready to help fans settle the score on which characters are the best in the business! You can check out the full 30 character roster announcement here.

Which character are you looking to start off with and do you think they have a good shot to be the top fighter among the rest?