On October 25th, when the world is threatened, you'll have to get your hands dirty so the world stays clean. In a desperate mission, Captain Price and the SAS will partner alongside the CIA and the Urzikstani Liberation Force to retrieve stolen chemical weapons.

"If you can't identify the target... You are the target!"

Sounds dumb but awesome at the same time, right?

The new Call of Duty Modern Warfare Story trailer dropped and, man, am I excited! And this is coming from a non-Call of Duty fan, I would consider myself more of a Battlefield fan. Although, I have played more Cod titles than Battlefield. Confused? Good. That's how you'll probably feel playing the new Call of Duty, fanboy or not, this game is different! And I want to say it's a good different. Let me elaborate a bit and tell you the good and the bad.

I played the beta from the 19th right up until the end and I must say I enjoyed it. Not only did it fell different than the last three CoD titles I've played, but it felt good and promising. The gunplay feels spot on now. The TTK/TTD (Time To Kill/Time To Die) is very close to perfect or at least for my taste, which was very rare for a Call of Duty title. Plus, CROSSPLAY it’s smooth and works seamlessly! The game also had a great assortment of modes to play.

The modes:

2v2 - It is very competitive and hard, but addictive and really fun. Especially with a friend!

Cyber-Attack - This is one of my favorite modes because it reminds me of Counter-Strike 1.6 (basically my introduction to the multi-player FPS scene) with the planting and defusing of a bomb.

Ground War - Well... That's another story. But it has a lot of potential if somethings will be adjusted or even removed, like the Killstreaks. Now, before you jump on me, yelling that the Killstreaks are "the thing that makes CoD COD!", hear me out!

I'm not denying that. But if you implement a new mode with 64 players might as well make it good. They are going for more soldier to soldier combat, bigger maps, bigger player numbers, and awesome vehicular warfare. That sounds awesome, but when you bring in the killstreaks on a 64-player match, things start to get lost in the blur of all the explosions and missiles. That commentator voice also just won't shut up! Crazy, hectic, and pointless. So, all I'm suggesting is maybe remove the killstreaks from Ground War or double the number of kills necessary to obtain one.

Also, remove the minimap. There are red dots everywhere, on the minimap and on the compass above. It looks like a Christmas tree. I’m not really a player that looks at the minimap for half of the match in any game, not only CoD because I think that shouldn’t be in an FPS. But that’s just my opinion and I think it would make the mode even better if these problems would be addressed. If not, there’s plenty of other modes to choose from. Like the Realism mode.

Realism – I've got the chance to play this mode in the last hours of the beta and I liked it. I think it is the best experience I got from Call of Duty, hardcore and fast-paced!

Other than that, maybe fix some bugs, spawns (these were always a problem in Call of Duty Titles) hit registration, sound levels (everything is so loud!), footsteps, and some other minor things which I'm sure they will address by the 25th of October when Call of Duty Modern Warfare will be released.

So, this is (hopefully) the next, or should I say the first Call of Duty game that I'm genuinely excited about and I hope they won’t disappoint like they did the past 4 or 5 titles. Plus, the single-player looks promising and fun, giving out that Modern “Band of Brothers” vibe.

So that's my opinion on the Call of Duty Modern Warfare beta. What did you think?

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