DARK SOULS On Switch Is Delayed

The Nintendo Switch version of Dark Souls: Remastered, which was originally slated for a May 25 release, is delayed. Developer Bandai Namco announced that the game will be rescheduled for “summer of 2018.”

“Due to the nature of causality, we must announce that the Nintendo Switch version of [Dark Souls Remastered] will be pushed back to summer of 2018, and with it, the release of the Solaire Astora amibo,” Bandai Namco revealed on the Twitter account of Dark Souls. “PC/PS4/X1 versions will maintain their May 25th release date. Rest assured, this time will ultimately be used to improve your journey to Lordran." 

In addition to the delay of Dark Souls: Remastered on the Switch, Bandai Namco also confirmed that the Solaire of Astora amiibo, which was also scheduled for a May 26 release, will be delayed to match the release of the game’s Switch version this summer. 

Bandai Namco did not detail on why the Switch version of Dark Souls: Remastered is getting delayed. However, given that the release on the PC and other consoles will push through on May 25, it would seem that the cause of the hold up is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch. 

Were you disappointed with the delay of Dark Souls: Remastered on the Switch? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

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