DEVIL MAY CRY 5 SPECIAL EDITION is a Fantastic Showcase for the Playstation 5

Tears of Joy

Whether or not you’ve played any of the Devil May Cry series or not, I doubt anyone can argue that diving into this strange but fascinating world, you are in for unique and gripping ride. Packed with unreal and over the top action, stories, and antics, I think most can agree the gameplay is fantastic and in the latest Special Edition for Playstation 5, Devil May Cry 5 is at the top of the pile, loaded with technical improvements including ray tracing, ultra high FPS and solid Dualsense upgrades.

Lighting, detail, and textures are absolutely top notch in DMC5SE.

Rather than a simple upgrade from the already fantastic PS4/XBO/PC base game, there is a ton of content in the Special Edition like new playable characters, costumes but also the technical additions make it look like a $2000+ PC edition maxed out. While you can choose different resolution and performance options on the PS5, regardless, it all looks fantastic, especially with ray tracing enabled which shows the raw power of the Playstation 5 front and center. Not only that, the Dualsense controller features totally change the feel and immersion for the game which is just the cherry on top.

Gorgeous visuals and upgrades? Check. Moody, angsty Kylo Ren-esque characters? Check and check.

While some may be turned off from the sometimes groan inducing dialogue and moody characters, it’s what the series excels in. It holds no pretense and totally relishes in tongue-in-cheek humor, dialogue, and action. So, my advice? Jump into the series, turn your brain off and enjoy this popcorn, rollercoaster, funhouse ride that is not only is an absolute blast to play, the Special Edition on Playstation 5 is a fantastic showcase for your new console you scored.
