Hard-Boiled, Hard-Truthed Detective Story RAINSWEPT Out On Consoles

Rainswept released on PC via Steam in February of last year and the narrative-driven game was well-received by critics and gamers alike. An indie game developed by Frostwood Interactive, it explore a shocking murder in a small town, but it’s not just a simple murder mystery.

It explores the relationships and traumas of the people involved with the murder, those of the townsfolk but also those of the detectives pursuing leads in the small town.

Now, 2Awesome Studio has brought the character-driven story to consoles. It’s the same meaningful story complete with updated gameplay and controls to improve the player experience on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

I’m a fan of narrative games, so this appeals to me. I haven’t had a good gaming PC in a while, so any chance to get console editions of original PC releases makes me happy.

What do you think, though? Are you intrigued by the indie narrative re-released on consoles by 2Awesome Studio? Let us know in the comments!