IN TOO DEEP Kickstarter Board Game Features Stylish Criminals

In Too Deep is a world of deception and shadowy organizations. The Syndicate is not your average gang of criminals. It’s a highly-competent collective of men and women who work outside the law.

The criminals that make up this organization are the best in New Dawn City. And you have to infiltrate their ranks.

With In Too Deep, Burnt Island Games is launching one of the Kickstarter campaigns I’m most excited about on June 23rd. A rich setting, larger-than-life characters, and an immersive experience all seem guaranteed at this point.

Burnt Island Games has shared an overview of the game. They’ve revealed the gameplay mechanics that will feature in the tabletop adventure.

And now they’ve provided short bios for the different criminals that can be accessed during a playthrough of In Too Deep. Let’s meet the crew…

  1. The Jumper is reckless and unpredictable. This criminal is one of the Syndicate’s most effective couriers. They make life difficult for tracers by leaping across the city to circumvent any blockade we raise. Suspected in a spree of highrise break-ins, and last winter’s rooftop bombings. Utilized heavily by the Syndicate; they go places we need to be and meets people we need to know.

  2. Like the Jumper, the Sprinter specializes in getting around New Dawn City quickly. They are the asset of choice when the Syndicate needs to deliver illicit goods or a deadly message in a hurry. Outruns and outmaneuvers Pursuit drones, using custom implants designed for acrobatic free-running. The Sprinter is believed to have survived a five-story drop without slowing down and scales city structures with ease. Involved in the assassination attempt on the mayor, and a string of successful daylight robberies.

  3. The Dronejack is the most skilled electronics infiltrator on Syndicate payroll. Commands an armada of dedicated drones from a fully integrated cranial rig. Causes nightmares for the Agency by manipulating robotics from a distance; suspected in several kidnappings via carhack. Known to spy on, extort, blackmail, and threaten the rich and powerful with a network of eyes and ears everywhere.

  4. The Smuggler is the single individual most responsible for flooding the city streets with illegal goods. They have a knack for acquiring hot items; sometimes with money, sometimes at the end of a blaster, and they feature augmented skeletal and muscular systems for maximum hauling capability. The recent influx of military-grade weaponry into the hands of the Syndicate is thanks to this nefarious character.

  5. The Persuader specializes in discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities, to manipulate others into carrying out Syndicate tasks. Their implant suite is a nasty mix of psy-ops hardware, behavioral assessment sensors, and static impulse projection. Uses a modified static garrotte to coerce human and robotic behavior alike when subtler techniques fail to do the trick. The Persuader is considered to be one of the more serious and versatile threats to security in the city, with a record of suspected involvement in crimes many times longer than the list of crimes with provable involvement.

  6. When the Syndicate needs security forces to be drawn to a particular area, they send in the Disruptor to heat things up in a hurry. This walking disaster has been responsible for billions of credits of public damage, and countless wasted police hours. Specializes in luring the police force to areas where they’ll be the least effective while a major crime is taking place, and creates too much chaos to ignore. Carries enough firepower to drive back even heavy units.

Man, those descriptions alone get me pumped. It’s like Mirror’s Edge but with a full roster of Syndicate lieutenants. I can’t wait to see what the game is like when using these different agents to achieve a certain objective. And it’s all supposed to be undercover work. Infiltrate and exploit. The double-life sounds complicated, but I want in.

And apparently, there are more characters. In a game of In Too Deep, players will have to build a case using a mix of the criminals and their talents. So deciding who to pick will be important.

In Too Deep launches on Kickstarter on June 23rd. To learn more about Burnt Island Games, click here.

Are you going to pledge? Let us know in the comments.