Indie Escape-Room Style Horror Title OUR SECRET BELOW Released On Steam

Bringing the escape-room style gameplay to a one-woman led storyline where you have to escape from your abductor’s basement is DarkStone Digital with their game Our Secret Below. Recently releasing the full game on Steam, this game is the product of a successful Kickstarter campaign. It even still offers a playable demo for interested players to give the game a shot and had a positive impression on many who did try it.

After being abducted by a crazed man, Nia Davis must break out of her cell, learn of her captor’s past, and then used that knowledge to escape. After waking up just in time to hear her captor express his obsession with her and explain that she doesn’t have much longer to live. She knows that she isn’t his first victim, but that’s not stopping her from trying to find a way out!

Fans of puzzle-solving and horror are sure to find themselves interested in this title as you are forced to either solve your way free or die trying. I look forward to trying my hand at this escape-room style game myself! Do you have what it takes to regain your freedom?