MIGHT & MAGIC: CLASH OF HEROES Definitive Edition Gets A Release Date

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes Definitive Edition is a role-playing puzzle strategy game that has garnered much attention from gamers around the world. The original game is developed by Capybara Games and published by Dotemu. The gameplay involves planning every move and combining attacks to defeat enemies. The game features a unique puzzle-like combat system where players must line up units in specific formations to attack their opponent's army.

The Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes Definitive Edition is a remastered version of the original game that was released in 2009. Players need to choose the perfect combination of units for their troops, artifacts, and spells for their hero to lead them into battle. Players can select a character from among the 15 heroes of 5 different factions. Players can enjoy both the single-player mode or compete against others in online multiplayer battles.

The new trailer dropped and it recaps some of the game's mechanics while introducing new features such as better graphics, an enhanced multiplayer mode, and much more. You can watch the fresh trailer below.

The upcoming Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes Definitive Edition is set to be released on July 20th for $17.99 USD on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch for the first time. You can download the free PC demo from June 19th to June 26th during Steam Next Fest.

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