MODERN WARFARE And COD Mobile Seasons Delayed


In light of recent events, Activision has announced their plans to delay the launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Season 4, and Call of Duty: Mobile’s season 7. With the protests regarding George Floyd’s death raging across the United States, as well as the rest of the world, Activision has decided to pump the brakes on the events.

In a statement posted across the Call of Duty social media pages, Activision had this to say:

“While we all look forward to playing the new seasons of Modern Warfare, Warzone and Call Of Duty: Mobile, now is not the time. We are moving the launches of Modern Warfare Season 4 and Call Of Duty: Mobile Season 7 to later dates. Right now it’s time for those speaking up for equality, justice and change to be seen and heard. We stand alongside you.”

Similar to the PS5 Showcase delay, there has been no reschedule date announced, but we will update you as soon as that information is released.