The Original SHANTAE Belly Dances Its Way On To The Switch!

WayForward’s flagship series Shantae, the Metroidvania-inspired 2D titles, has made 4 appearances on the Nintendo Switch so far. Risky’s Revenge, The Pirate’s Curse, Half-Genie Hero, and more recently the Seven Sirens have all been available for purchase. But one title has remained conspicuously absent: the original.

Not anymore! On April 22nd, 2021 the game that started it all is baring its midriff and belly dancin’ its way to Nintendo’s hybrid console for a worldwide release. The 2002 Game Boy Color title Shantae had previously been released for the 3DS, after 11 years of dulling in limbo.

The new release of Shantae will feature an “enhanced Game Boy Advance mode” which pledges to have players “experience Shantae like never before.” Check the official trailer from WayForward above! What are your experiences with the Shantae series? Let us know and stay tuned for more Shantae updates!