Today The PORTAL: COMPANION COLLECTION Brings A Classic Series To The Switch

Releasing right after the Nintendo Direct Mini is the Portal: Companion Collection which contains both Portal and Portal 2. This collection of a classic, beloved puzzle series full of dark humor and exploration was first shown off a few months back. Developed by Valve and displayed as a reigning series on Steam for years, this is a series that should be played by all, and with it now available on the Nintendo Switch, everybody has the opportunity to do so!

Solve mind-bendingly bizarre puzzles and face off against a lethally inventive, power-mad A.I. named GLaDOS. Meet an expanded cast of characters as you think your way through dangerous, never-before-seen areas of the laboratories and a wider variety of portal puzzles. Plus, the cooperative multiplayer game mode in Portal 2 is available in both local split-screen and online multiplayer options.

The Portal: Companion Collection is available now on the Nintendo eShop for $19.99. If you haven’t played this series yet, or perhaps you just want to be able to take it on the go, then now’s your chance!