Valve Announces PORTAL: COMPANION COLLECTION Coming To Switch

Valve has somehow managed to squeeze time to bring us its beloved series to the Switch, all while preparing for the Steam Deck launch. Portal: Companion Collection will bundle both Portal and Portal 2 for on-the-go interdimensional puzzle solving. The game was announced during Nintendo’s most recent Nintendo Direct and featured a short trailer showing gameplay running on the Switch.

Portal originally launched as part of The Orange Box for the Xbox 360 and PC in 2007. It gathered fantastic reception and convinced Valve to bring us a sequel in 2011 and released on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. Portal 2 was able to build upon the lore of the first game and provide a well-received story along with improvements to its teleport-like puzzle mechanics. It also added the ability for co-op play local and online which will be available on the Switch version as well.

This was definitely an announcement we didn’t see coming, especially considering Valve is working on its own portable gaming tech. It’s a curious decision from Valve and raises some eyebrows as to what else may lie in this newly found partnership with Nintendo. Maybe we will see more from Valve on the Switch in the near future.

At the moment, not much is known if the Switch version will include any exclusive features or motion controls. Portal: Companion Collection is priced at $19.99 and scheduled for release sometime in 2022.