CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS III Nuke Town Map is a Bright and Colorful Bloodbath

When it comes to competitive shooters, I'm not a great judge of character. Mainly because I suck so hard at FPS games. But I'll be damned if the new edition of the famous Nuke Town map doesn't look friggin' sweet! Call of Duty: Black Ops III is definitely aiming to push some graphical boundaries, especially considering it's another entry in the yearly CoD machine. I'm a big sucker for highly saturated colors and glossy sci-fi settings, so this map looks like my kinda jam! Now if I can just find some other shit players to party with, maybe I can finally enjoy some online shoot-outs.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III releases November 6th on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. Set in 2065, this fan favorite map from Black Ops has returned in a big way. Nuk3town has been re-designed from the ground up to highlight Treyarch's new momentum-based, chained-movement system, allowing players to battle in this adrenaline-charged multiplayer map. Players will experience a new take on this classic run-and-gun, close-quarters map.

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