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Charming 3-Part Documentary About the Creation of PSYCHONAUTS

There is something unbelievably satisfying about hearing a story about great things happening for awesome people. Tim Schafer, creator of Double Fine Productions has always been a fan favorite amongst gamers. His quirky approach to game design has been very fun and deeply sincere. When he separated from LucasArts in order to create his own company, his kick-off title was none other than Psychonauts. The gaming documentary wizards over at 2 Player Productions, creators of Minecraft: The Story of Mojang and RTP/VHX have released a 3-part documentary series entitled The Color of the Sky in Your World. The documentary follows the Psychonauts team as they celebrate the ten year anniversary of their game and kick off the crowd funding campaign of Psychonauts 2.

These kinds of documentaries are really my cup of tea. They keep me motivated to keep chasing my own cockamamie dreams in gaming. If you need a little creative fuel and have about an hour and a half to kill, I recommend giving it a watch!