Cyan is Planning to Release an Updated Version of MYST This Year

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the original Myst game, developer Cyan will be releasing an updated version of the puzzle-adventure series.

According to an announcement released in the game's official website, Cyan has spent the last few years obtaining rights to make all of the Myst games available. Furthermore, the developer said that "as an indie developer, resources are limited for development, and acquiring rights isn't always an option. But we managed to finally talk to all the right people and departments and put some funding together to try to make it happen."

Cyan is planning to release an updated version of all the Myst games for Windows 10. Also, the studio is releasing a special 25th-anniversary edition that will include a "cool artifact" for collectors. The dev said that the special edition will be limited, and will only be available for the game's 25th anniversary. 

Looking ahead, Cyan said that there would be more adventures in the Myst universe in the future. However, for this year, the studio revealed that they would be looking back and commemorate their old games in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Myst

Have you played Myst before? What was your best experience in the Myst series? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

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