DEAD BY DAYLIGHT Gets A New Free Map, Killer, And Survivor In Update

The recently brought to console title Dead by Daylight, that competes well against Friday the 13th as a Killer vs Survivors PvP game, is bringing some new content for players to enjoy for free! The update will initially be for PC only on launch this Thursday, but the PS4 and XB1 updates are promised to follow within weeks.

There will be a new map, known as Red Forest: Mothers Dwelling, which just sounds creepy, but I love a good forest level in a horror game. Along with the map there is a new killer simply titled The Huntress, which is featured in the trailer below wielding a throwing axe! And then there is the new survivor, David King, which will have his own perks like the rest of the survivors.

Here's the teaser trailer for the update:

I had already found my top two killer choices and which survivor I prefer, but I eagerly await the chance to see if there is an even better suited killer for me to play as! Prepare yourselves for the new hauntings that players will have to chase you once they are unleashed!