GameTyrant Podcast - Video Game Movies

Geek ladies and geek gentlemen, welcome to the first ever GameTyrant podcast, hosted by yours truly, Jake Smith.

In this first episode, I discuss video game movies with two GeekTyrant VS veterans, Drew Lawrence and Parker Abegg, as well as our audio engineering wizard, Justin Holman. We go over the good, the overly-populated list of bad, and the ugly of the rocky world of video game movie adaptations. We delve deep into the grandfather of all crappy video game movies, Super Mario Brothers, as well as talk about what video game movies would need in order to go through the same sort of renaissance that comic book movies have seen.

Give it a listen, tell us what you think, and join the conversation in the comments below. Also, ADULT LANGUAGE is used, so listen at your own discretion.

In this first episode, I discuss video game movies with two GeekTyrant VS veterans, Drew Lawrence and Parker Abegg, as well as our audio engineering wizard, Justin Holman. We go over the good, the overly-populated list of bad, and the ugly of the rocky world of video game movie adaptations. We delve deep into the grandfather of all crappy video game movies, Super Mario Brothers, as well as talk about what video game movies would need in order to go through the same sort of renaissance that comic book movies have seen.

No author bio. End of line.