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Some news broke at the Tokyo Game Show 2022 regarding two games within the DragonBall series. Bandai Namco has revealed details for an upcoming open beta and the third raider character for DragonBall: The Breakers, plus a new DLC for the popular anime adventure-action game DragonBall Z: Kakarot.

DragonBall: The Breakers

Player’s looking forward to trying out this asymmetrical 7v1 title can look forward to the Open Beta Test starting September 21 at 6:00 p.m. PDT until September 25 at 1:00 a.m. PDT. During the beta, players can experience playing as the two Frieza and Cell Raiders or try their hand as the Survivor with the option to wear the Oolong and Bulma Survivor Skins. Those that participate in the Open Beta will receive an in-game Oolong keychain accessory after the full game is purchased on the same platform and account they used for the beta.

When the game launches, one of the classic antagonists in the DragonBall universe, Majin Buu, will be playable, along with Frieza and Cell. Players can experience the shapeshifting character’s various forms by turning Survivors into candy and absorbing them. Fans can also look forward to the newly revealed Farmer Survivor skin themed after the character from the opening moments of DragonBall Z, which will also be available at launch.

DragonBall: The Breakers full launches on October 14th for PC via Steam, PlayStation 4 - compatible with PlayStation 5, Xbox One - compatible with Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch. The open beta will be available on all platforms.

In addition, players who own Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 can link DragonBall: The Breakers and receive in-game rewards based on their specific in-game achievements as a Raider or Survivor. A future update to DragonBall: The Breakers will grant players the ability to receiveDragon Ball Xenoverse 2 rewards based on their in-game achievements.

DragonBall: Kakarot

Before getting into the fourth DLC for DragonBall: Kakarot, they announced enhanced versions of the game are coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. In addition, all previously available and upcoming DLC will be available for both current-gen consoles, new-gen platforms, and PC simultaneously.

As for the new DLC, it focuses on content from the “Bardock: Father of Goku” TV special, BARDOCK - ALONE AGAINST FATE. Soon, fans will be able to enjoy a complete reproduction of this classic story from DRAGON BALL lore, fight against Frieza in a climactic boss encounter, and interact with other Saiyans and members of the Frieza Force between missions.