GUILD WARS 2 New Expansion Looks Freaking Awesome!

by Former GT Staff Writer

Guild Wars 2 is my MMO of choice and today, the people at Arena Net revealed details about the new expansion for Guild Wars 2 called Path of Fire. It will be released September 22, 2017, as a standalone expansion (you do not need Heart of Thorns), and if you don’t want any more details about it, stop reading now.

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire is the second expansion for the award-winning game, Guild Wars 2. Watch the expansion announcement to learn all about the next step in Tyria's future! Visit the official expansion site at for more information, or to pre-order.

In the expansion, we’ll be going back to Elona and the Crystal Desert from the original Guild Wars Trilogy to stop Balthazar, the god of war and fire, from killing all the Elder Dragons and destroying the world. As we adventure through Elona we’ll have new enemies to fight besides Balthazar and his minions though. We’ll have to deal with the Palawa Joko, ruler of Elona, and his undead minions and much more.

In addition to new enemies and new maps (5 massive maps!), we get new specializations for each class, bounties, new PvP content, and (drum roll please) MOUNTS! We are finally getting mounts in a Guild Wars game! The four mounts are a raptor, springer (giant mutated bunny rabbit), skimmers (manta ray type creature), and jackals that have unique features and are part of the mastery system. Bounties are also new and seem like they’ll be really cool. We’ll go out and take out contracts on dangerous creatures throughout the world and then we go and pretend to be a Guild Wars version of Boba Fett. What are you most excited about? Check out the video for more detailed information including what the specializations can do and pick up a copy of the current expansion Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns if you haven’t yet.

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