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Latest Trailer For THE SURGE 2 Features How You Build Your Gear

Centering all the different aspects that their game has to offer, Deck 13 has made The Surge 2 a combat-focused title. In the latest trailer from their publisher Focus Home Interactive, they focus on how players will be building, or rather obtaining, their gear. From armor to weapons and even small upgrades, everything that you will have to use in the game has to be gathered off of your fallen foes!

That’s right, you will have to literally take the gear you want from your fallen enemies. Chest armor, weapon upgrades, even headgear, all of it requires you to take an enemy down and take the gear they have on them. It seems there is a pod-like system where you will have to equip the different pieces and maybe even have to do some crafting to make it fitting as well. But this game is taking the concept of “nothing is given, everything is earned” as literal as possible and tasking players to rely on their own skills more so than game mechanics to get them through.

The Surge 2 looks more intense as they continue to show off more of the games aspects and I can’t wait to try it out. Only a couple more weeks before we reach the launch date of September 24th where it will be put on Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. What do you think about this “you are what you kill” feature?