LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Gets In On The April Fool's Day Fun!

Fans of Riot Games popular title League of Legends can look forward to spending the trickster’s holiday with a few fun and festive features coming to the Rift for a limited time. Live now and running through April Fools’ Day weekend, players will be greeted by the following changes upon queueing into Blind Pick Normal games: 

  • Minions have spawned, this time with some donning wacky hats! Players can stack a tower of hats by killing these minions, but be warned: upon death, any hats collected will be scattered and available for other players to snag. 

  • Reports of poro stampedes have made their rounds! Players that manage to catch one will be rewarded with a small heal. 

  • The once-friendly Rift Scuttler finally stands up for itself; beware the river or you may cross paths with the knife-wielding Stabby Crabby! Look out for Stabby Crabby also making a cameo on the new loading screen.

  • Towers have taken a page out of players’ spellbooks and will emote if they participate in taking down a champion.

  • New hexgates have opened on the Rift, though some appear more useful than others…

  • And last but not least, the following fluffy skins will be available for adoption in Patch 13.7: Shiba Yuumi, Woof and Lamb Kindred, Kibble-Head Kled and Kittalee Nidalee.