In July and August this year, I brought you an early review and my final review for Mothership Entertainment's Aven Colony, a science fiction city builder brought to console that had be all aquiver with excitement and addiction. I'd been crying for years for someone to bring a city builder like Aven Colony and Mothership Entertainment answered those prayers exquisitely.

They upped the ante and updated the water features on Aven Prime. A tweet was sent out indicating that even fish have been provided in the waters, with several screenshots accompanying the post. 

If you're not in the mood to go to twitter, here are the screenshots for your further enjoyment and scrutiny.

Some other developments are also underway. A further tweet today indicates that a new tier-2 expedition ship has been created with missile racks. These updates are expected to hit console and PC in the next 4 weeks. 

With Aven Colony being nominated in Game Informer's Game of the Year for best strategy game in 2017, I am sure we can expect much more new development for the game in weeks to come. I really hope Mothership Entertainment has something new planned for us in 2018, whether that be new DLC for Aven Colony or a brand new game. I'll be hot on their trail for any further development news.

What did you think about the screenshots? Will you be voting in Game Informer's GotY awards? How was your experience with Aven Colony? Please let me know in the comments.






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