Portable versions of retro gaming systems have become a new trend over the last few years. Many companies have created new systems to allow for your full-sized cartridges to be played on the go. Retro collectibles company My Arcade has just finished its own cartridge playing handheld dubbed the Retro Champ. The Retro Champ is capable of playing games for the NES and Famicom with a dual cartridge port design.
Now, this isn’t the first time this has been done but I have to admit I am liking what My Arcade has done aesthetically with the design. It looks kind of like a tablet in a way with Famicom cartridges sliding flush into the bottom of the device as to not interfere with the devices built-in kickstand. NES carts will stick out of the top since they are much larger than their Japanese counterparts. Because of the size of these cartridges, My Arcade has equipped the Retro Champ with a large 7-inch screen. effectively using the space. I was concerned about the 16:9 aspect ratio but My Arcade has confirmed the video can be displayed in proper 4:3 or stretched depending on the user’s preference. There are also 2 speakers taking residence on the front of the device.
Battery life on the Retro Champ is stated to be around 3-5 hours putting it in line with the likes of a Nintendo Switch. The system does come with rechargeable batteries so it can be charged at any point. or plugged in while using the system at home. Another neat feature of the Retro Champ is the ability to output your games over HDMI to a TV and connect two of My Arcade’s Super GamePad wireless controllers to the system for at home and multiplayer sessions. One of the more obscure additions to the Retro Champ is the inclusion of a Cartridge cleaning kit so you can be sure to have clean cartridges going into your system.
“From its inception, the Retro Champ was designed with retro game enthusiasts in mind. We wanted to make a console that enabled collectors to quickly and conveniently test or play their classic games and import titles on-the-go. Furthermore, we wanted retro gamers to enjoy their vintage game titles with friends and allow them to easily connect the console to modern TV sets. To that end, we’ve made the Retro Champ compatible with our Super GamePad wireless controllers for multiplayer gameplay in TV or desktop mode. We feel strongly that this console will resonate with the community, whether you are an avid collector or simply want to play those old cartridges lying around your garage”
Retro Champ Key Features:
Built-in Screen and Rechargeable Batteries: The Retro Champ’s compact design is more portable than classic consoles, that when paired with its built-in rechargeable batteries and 7” screen, make it the perfect travel companion for retro enthusiasts. One battery charge lasts for about 3-5 hours of gametime.
Cartridge Cleaning Kit: Blowing on cartridges never worked! The Retro Champ includes a retractable game cartridge cleaning kit that includes cotton swabs and a vial that users can fill with their cleaning solution of choice (solution not included).
Aspect Ratio Switch: Toggle between two aspect ratios, classic 4:3 and 16:9 widescreen, with the flick of a switch. Users have the option to experience their collection at their original aspect ratio or take advantage of their screen’s full size.
HD TV Compatibility: Turn the Retro Champ into a home console using HDMI output to connect to an HD TV.
Wireless Controller Compatibility: Users can sync up to two of My Arcade’s Super GamePad wireless controllers for couch co-op or solo play.
Sound: Enjoy the iconic beeps and boops of yesteryear out loud with a front speaker or privately via 8mm headphone jack.
Overall the Retro Champ has my interest piqued, but there are still a few things I want to know about the system. Does it run on emulation with cartridges being dumped to internal memory before being run or is it a famiclone SoC? Is controller support limited to My Arcade’s proprietary controllers or will any Bluetooth compatible controller work? And last, what type of panel is in use for the screen? For a base price of $79.99, I might just pick one up to find out for myself! My Arcade is also working on a SNES/Genesis handheld dubbed the Super Retro Champ. Depending how well the Retro Champ goes this could be a very hype device!
The My Arcade Retro Champ portable NES/Famicom games player is now available to purchase from Amazon (affiliate link) or the My Arcade web store.